Full Moon In Scorpio: General Reading

Please keep in mind this is a General Reading. Take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't.


Past Life Relationship + Make The Effort (Doreen Virtue Romance Angels)

There are no risks in love. Do not try to manipulate your feelings

but flow with how you feel. Whether a person from your past in this lifetime or

another, If you want to make it work you must put in the effort. Put in the time

and energy to nurture and water the relationship so it has the opportunity to

grow. Do not hold on to old ideologies on how or what it should be. Just put in

the Positive intent to move forward beyond what was and focus

on what could be... to manifest a more solid foundation for the both

of you... Together. Don't allow old thought patterns to effect the now

moment. Flow Love, Let the love flow without expectation, without fear, without guidelines. Be open to what is and what could be. FLOW.

Awakening + Ten Of Water (Doreen Virtue Angel Tarot)

With this full moon in Scorpio it deals with the deepest levels of our beings and the merging of the

Polarities within us.  This is a time of reflection and to move forward towards being who we

truly are. Continue to follow your intuition and express yourself how you see fit. If the plans

change that is okay. Go with it as it is leading you somewhere special. A place of full

Authenticity. The merging of all that you are. There is no need

for comparison & there is no need for negative thought patterns. Something has clicked . Continue to

move forward in that. Don't allow old ways of thinking or outdated ideologies to hold you

back from the Transformation that is taking place within your right now. Keep

moving forward on all levels. Take this time during the Full moon to self reflect and push onward in

your Evolution. Everything you are is enough. You are capable and

worthy. All that you desire is attainable but you must keep going.

What you will receive is way better then what you could have ever


Love & Light

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